Sunriver Resort has a variety of accommodation options available. Guests can reserve one of the many rooms in Sunriver Lodge or rent a private condominium or home (the homes can sleep anywhere between 2-14 people so we recommend sharing a home with other guests if traveling in a group). When making reservations call 1-800-547-3922 and mention the Gurwith-Johnson wedding to get the special group rates. All guests who make reservations through Sunriver Resort will be eligible for the special group rate.
**Sunriver Resort operates a free 24 hour shuttle, which can be used for transportation throughout the resort and for all of the weekend's events including the welcome cocktails, ceremony, and reception.**
**Sunriver Resort operates a free 24 hour shuttle, which can be used for transportation throughout the resort and for all of the weekend's events including the welcome cocktails, ceremony, and reception.**